Fundamental components of a journey map

A journey map is a visual representation of a person's process to achieve a goal, reflecting their experiences and emotions along the way. It can be a customer, employee, or user journey in the business context. Here are the fundamental components of a journey map:



12/3/20232 min read

a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and a laptop
a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and a laptop

I shared some points about the Business Value of a Journey mapping process. However, I should also share thoughts about what a Journey Map is and what some of its components are.

A journey map visually represents a person's process to achieve a goal, reflecting their experiences and emotions along the way. It can be a customer, employee, or user journey in the business context. Here are the fundamental components of a journey map:

  • Persona:
    Definition of the individual or group for whom the journey is being mapped, detailing their motivations, needs, and pain points.

  • Journey Stages:
    The key phases the persona goes through during their journey are typically broken down into stages like Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Retention, etc.

  • Touchpoints:
    Points of interaction between the persona and the organization, such as using a website, calling customer service, or visiting a physical location.

  • Channels:
    The mediums or platforms through which interactions or touchpoints occur, such as email, web portal, mobile app, or in-person.

  • Emotional Experience:
    Highlighting the emotional state or sentiment of the persona at different stages and touchpoints, identifying where they feel happy, frustrated, confused, etc.

  • Pain Points and Opportunities:
    Outlining what the persona aims to achieve at each stage of the journey and their expectations from each interaction.

  • Actions and Behaviors:
    Detailing the persona's actions and behavior at each stage and touchpoint.

  • Moments of Truth:
    Identifying critical interactions or decision points significantly impacting the persona’s journey and relationship with the organization.

  • Metrics and KPIs:
    Quantitative data helps to objectively measure and analyze the persona's experience at various touchpoints and stages.

  • Influences and Motivations:
    Factors that drive decision-making and influence behavior throughout the journey.

  • Feedback and Quotes:
    Real comments or feedback from the persona provide qualitative insights into their thoughts and feelings.

  • Visual Elements:
    Infographics, icons, and other visual aids to make the journey map more intuitive and engaging.

  • Ideation and Solutions (optional):
    Suggested solutions or ideas for addressing identified pain points and capitalizing on opportunities.

When creating a journey map, it’s crucial to validate the information and insights through real data, including analytics, customer feedback, and direct observations, ensuring that the map accurately reflects actual experiences and is not purely hypothetical or assumptive. This ensures the derived strategies and actions are accurately informed and targeted.